Friday, October 27, 2006

Save Our Congress

From :

Dear Friends,

This is a time of crisis for all Americans. We stand on the verge of a major shift in political power in Congress. Republican control of the House and Senate is crucial to maintaining the progress our country has made in recent years.

But all across this great nation, Republicans are in struggling in heavily contested races. The Democrats have gained traction in the media, and have become more effective at spreading their message. We need your help! We need your help to spread the message that if Democrats take control of Congress, then there will be major changes in the political climate of this nation.

To illustrate the drastic actions Democrats want to take, Save Our Congress has created 3 small presentations we would like you to view. Then we need you to help spread the word. This presentation can be sent to your friends and family to encourage them to get out there on November 7th, and Vote Republican. You can also embed this presentation in your own websites and blogs. The more people who understand what is at stake, the more powerful we will become. And that will lead us to success!

If you can not view the image please click here.

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