Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Kudos to Congressman Green


I also want to take the time to congratulate a principled Democratic Representative who had the courage to break with his party leadership last week on the issue of domestic energy production.

Congressman Gene Green (D-TX) told CNBC, "We also need more exploration. But we really need to get more oil to the market, particularly from our own country. The best signal we can send to OPEC and anywhere else in the world is maybe not filing a lawsuit against them but actually saying 'we are going to start producing in our own country.'"

All Americans who are concerned about out-of-control prices and our vulnerability to energy blackmail by foreign dictators should appreciate and acknowledge Congressman Green's stand. The only question left is the one posed to Green by the CNBC anchor: "Can you convince the other wings of your party to think like you do?"

Good job Mr Green!


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